Project highlights

Our portfolio currently comprises 2,200 wind turbines worldwide and is constantly growing. Besides generating electricity from wind energy onshore and offshore, wpd is also driving the energy turnaround by generating electricity from solar plants, thereby protecting the climate and natural resources. Our project pipeline currently consists of 31,585 megawatts and 7,360 MW from photovoltaics. Here you can find a selection of interesting projects from our portfolio:

Location:  Taiwan
Commissioning: 2023
Type: Vestas V-136
Number of turbines: 6
Rated power: 25.2 MW

Location:  Sweden
Commissioning: 2023
Type: Nordex N-163
Number of turbines: 8
Rated power: 47.2 MW

Location: Germany / Baden-Württemberg
Commissioning: 2023
Type: Jinko Bifacial JKM560N-72HL4-BDV
Rated power: 10.02 MW

Location: Germany / Brandenburg
Commissioning: 2023
Type: Nordex N-149
Number of turbines: 3
Rated power: 17.1 MW

Location: France
Commissioning 2023
Type: Nordex N-117
Number of turbines: 3
Rated power: 9 MW

Location: Germany / Saxony
Commissioning: 2023
Type: Vestas V-136, Vestas V-150
Number of turbines: 6
Rated power: 25.2 MW

Location: Chile
Commissioning: 2021
Type: Vestas V-136
Number of turbines: 77
Rated power: 272.58 MW

Location: Germany / Saxony-Anhalt
Commissioning: 2021
Type: Vestas V-126
Number of turbines: 8
Rated power: 26.4 MW

Location: France
Commissioning: 2020
Type: Vestas V-136
Number of turbines: 9
Rated power: 30.60 MW

Location: Poland
Commissioning: 2020
Type: GE 120
Number of turbines: 17
Rated power: 42.50 MW

Location: Sweden
Commissioning: 2020
Type: Vestas V-150
Number of turbines: 17
Rated power: 71.40 MW

Location: Chile
Commissioning: 2021
Type: Vestas V-136
Number of turbines: 10
Rated power: 36 MW

Location: Taiwan
Commissioning: 2020
Type: Vestas V-117
Number of turbines: 7
Rated power: 25.20 MW

Location: Belgium
Commissioning: 2006
Type: REpower MD-77
Number of turbines: 6
Rated power: 9.00 MW

Location: France
Commissioning: 2020
Type: Vestas V-110
Number of turbines: 5
Rated power: 11.00 MW

Location: Germany, Saxony-Anhalt
Commissioning: 2009/2010
Type: Vestas V-90
Number of turbines: 6
Rated power: 12.00 MW

Location: Germany, Hesse
Commissioning: 2012
Type: Enercon E-82
Number of turbines: 14
Rated power: 32.00 MW

Location: Germany, Saxony-Anhalt
Commissioning: 2014
Type: Enercon E-101, E-82
Number of turbines: 9
Rated power: 22.80 MW

Location: Germany, Lower Saxony
Commissioning: 2020
Type: Vestas V-117
Number of turbines: 5
Rated power: 16.50 MW

Location: Germany, Saxony-Anhalt
Commissioning: 2020
Type: Vestas V-136
Number of turbines: 6
Rated power: 21.60 MW

Location: Germany, North Rhine Westphalia
Commissioning: 2020
Type: General Electric GE3.6
Number of turbines: 1
Rated power: 3.60 MW

Location: Germany, Thuringia
Commissioning: 2020
Type: Vestas V-117, Vestas V-126, Enercon E-92
Number of turbines: 4
Rated power: 12.25 MW

Location: Mongolia
Commissioning: first phase in 2023
Type: tba
Number of turbines: 24
Rated power: 1st phase 102 MW, 2nd phase 148 MW

Location: Taiwan
Commissioning: 2019
Type: Canadian Solar
Rated power: 0,81 MW

Location: France
Commissioning: 2017
Type: Enercon E-92
Number of turbines: 3
Rated power: 7.05 MW

Location: Hesse, Germany
Commissioning: 2018
Type: Vestas V-126
Number of turbines: 5
Rated power: 17.25 MW

Location: Finland
Commissioning: 2019
Type: Vestas V-150
Number of turbines: 14
Rated power: 58.8 MW

Location: Spain
Commissioning: 2019
Type: Siemens-Gamesa SG 132
Number of turbines: 12
Rated power: 41.58 MW

Location: Germany / Noth Rhine-Westphalia
Commissioning: 2019-2020
Type: Enercon E-115
Number of turbines: 4
Rated power: 12.80 MW

Location: Germany / Mecklenburg-West Pomerania
Commissioning: 2012-2016
Type: Enercon E-82, Enercon E-101
Number of turbines: 18
Rated power: 43.65 MW

Location: Taiwan
Commissioning: 2008, 2011
Type: Enercon E-70
Number of turbines: 33
Rated power: 75.9 MW

Location: Germany / Bavaria
Commissioning: 2014
Type: GE 2.5 – 120
Number of turbines: 1
Rated power: 2.5 MW

Location: Taiwan
Commissioning: 2018
Type: REC260PE
Rated power: 0.5 MW

Location: Belgium
Commissioning: 2006
Type: REpower MD-77
Number of turbines: 6
Rated power: 9 MW

Location: Germany / Lower Saxony
Commissioning: 2016
Type: Enercon E-101
Number of turbines: 7
Rated power: 21.35 MW

Location: Germany / Saxony-Anhalt
Commissioning: 2004, 2007
Type: NEG Micon NM-82, Vestas V-90
Number of turbines: 19
Rated power: 36.5 MW

Location: France / Pays de la Loire
Commissioning: 2017
Type: Enercon E-92
Number of turbines: 3
Rated power: 7.05 MW

Location: Germany / Thuringia
Commissioning: 2016
Type: Nordex N-117
Number of turbines: 5
Rated power: 12 MW

Location: Italy
Commissioning: 2008
Type: Freifläche, Suntech-Module 170 Wp, starres System
Rated power: 0.912 MW

Location: Germany / Mecklenburg-West Pomerania
Commissioning: 2017
Type: Enercon E-101
Number of turbines: 10
Rated power: 30.5 MW

Location: France
Commissioning: 2014
Type: Enercon E-82
Number of turbines: 1
Rated power: 2.3 MW

Location: Taiwan
Commissioning: 2016
Type: REC / KACO
Rated power: 3.976 MW

Location: Croatia
Commissioning: 2012
Type: Enercon E-70
Number of turbines: 16
Rated power: 36.8 MW

Location: Germany / Mecklenburg-West Pomerania
Commissioning: 2015
Type: Vestas V-112
Number of turbines: 15
Rated power: 45 MW

Location: Taiwan
Commissioning: 2015
Type: Enercon E-70 (4x); Enercon E-44 (1x)
Number of turbines: 5
Rated power: 10.1 MW

Location: Germany / Hesse
Commissioning: 2016
Type: Nordex N-117
Number of turbines: 5
Rated power: 12 MW

Location: Germany / Bavaria
Commissioning: 2004
Type: Dachfläche, Sharp-Module, SMA-Wechselrichter
Rated power: 1.76 MW

Location: Poland
Commissioning: 2014
Type: Enercon E-82 (x2), Enercon E-53 (x1)
Number of turbines: 3
Rated power: 4.8 MW

Location: Germany / Schleswig-Holstein
Commissioning: 2015 +2017
Type: Enercon E-101
Number of turbines: 8 +3
Rated power: 24.4 + 9.15 MW

Location: Croatia
Commissioning: 2016
Type: GE 2.85
Number of turbines: 12
Rated power: 34.2 MW

Location: Portugal
Commissioning: 2007
Type: Freifläche, Kyocera-Module, 2achsige Nachführung
Rated power: 2.15 MW

Location: Finland
Commissioning: 2016
Type: Vestas V-117
Number of turbines: 22
Rated power: 72.6 MW

Location: Germany / Brandenburg
Commissioning: 2017
Type: Nordex N-117
Number of turbines: 6
Rated power: 14.4 MW

Location: Canada
Commissioning: 2015
Type: Senvion MM-92
Number of turbines: 2
Rated power: 4.1 MW

Location: Germany / Saxony-Anhalt
Commissioning: 2016
Type: GE 2.75
Number of turbines: 6
Rated power: 16.5 MW

Location: Germany / Bavaria
Commissioning: 2003
Type: Freifläche, Sharp-Module, Siemens-Wechselrichter
Rated power: 1.02 MW

Location: Canada
Commissioning: 2014
Type: Repower MM-92
Number of turbines: 4 and 3
Rated power: 8.2 and 6.15 MW

Location: Germany / Saxony
Commissioning: 2013
Type: Nordex N-100
Number of turbines: 4
Rated power: 10 MW

Location: France
Commissioning: 2014
Type: Nordex N-90
Number of turbines: 10
Rated power: 25 MW

Location: Poland
Commissioning: 2011
Type: Gamesa G-90
Number of turbines: 3
Rated power: 6 MW

Location: Germany / Lower Saxony
Commissioning: 2016
Type: 3 x Enercon E-115; 1 x Enercon E-92
Number of turbines: 4
Rated power: 11.35 MW

Location: Germany / Hesse
Commissioning: 2016
Type: Nordex N-117
Number of turbines: 1
Rated power: 2.4 MW