Individual repowering concepts – renewing the value chain for existing wind farms
Repowering includes dismantling older existing plants and constructing new wind turbines that meet the latest performance standards at the same or a neighboring location. New and modern plant technology makes it possible to achieve significantly higher energy generation at the same location.
Repowering enhances the existing site, as it enables a second period of operation and, regardless of the site characteristics, offers operators, landowners and investors new added value that goes beyond the continued operation.
In the meantime, legislators, particularly in Germany, have simplified the approval and evaluation procedures for repowering projects. Internationally, repowering, with all its advantages, is also an integral part of the energy transition.
We at wpd have repowered around 30 wind farm projects in a wide variety of constellations. wpd and wpd windmanager are at your disposal when it comes to evaluating the repowering potential of your wind farm or location.